Constitution of the
Confederation of Asia-Pacific Employers (CAPE)
(adopted : 27 August
(revised : 2 December 2003)
We, the employers' organizations which participated in the 5th
Asia-Pacific High-Level Employers' Conference held in Singapore, October
2000, conscious of our role in the formulation of socio-economic
policies for stability and growth, recognizing the challenges and
opportunities of globalization, and realizing the imperative need for
cooperation, cohesion and interaction in a borderless economy, hereby
promulgate this Constitution.
In order to make the environment of the Asia-Pacific region an
attractive and better place to do business in, as well as to promote
social and economic development for its people:
1. The Confederation shall promote mutual understanding and
cooperation among its members on issues concerning labour, the economy,
social policy, and labour-management relations.
2. The Confederation shall establish a communication network to
facilitate the regular exchange of information among its members in
order to keep all members fully informed of regional and worldwide
3. The Confederation shall, as the occasion demands, furnish its
constituent members with specific data and material relevant to the
region and provide access to information that may be obtained from other
international and regional organisations.
4. The Confederation shall endeavour to enhance mutual
communication, and conduct joint activities, including research and
studies, fully utilizing new information technology, in the interest of
its members.
5. The Confederation shall strive to achieve unity of purpose and
action amongst its members, and to coordinate and strengthen cooperation
with the International Organization of Employers.
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1. The Confederation shall consist of national employers'
organizations in the Asia-Pacific region, i.e. the area covered by the
International Labour Organization's Regional Office for Asia and the
Pacific, located in Bangkok, which share the common objectives
enumerated in Article I.
2. A national employers' organization affiliated to the
International Organisation of Employers shall be admitted as a regular
member upon the recommendation of any member of the General Council and
approved by a majority of the members of the Council.
3. The General Council may admit other organisations as associate
members under such conditions as it may prescribe. However, no applicant
shall be admitted without the concurrence of the regular member from the
country in which the applicant is based.
4. The General Council may, by a vote supported by at least
two-thirds of the members, expel a member which has failed to observe
its obligations under this Constitution.
5. A member may withdraw from the Confederation on giving three
months' written notice. A withdrawing member shall remain liable for any
annual subscription due for the year during which the withdrawal becomes
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The Confederation shall be governed by a General Council, whose
membership shall consist of a designated representative of each regular
member of the Confederation. The designated representatives of associate
members shall be entitled to participate without the right to vote in
meetings of the General Council.
1. The General Council shall:
a) Determine the general
policy of the Confederation;
b) Admit new members;
c) Decide to accept observers to its meetings;
d) Appoint and remove from office the
Secretary-General of the Confederation upon the recommendation of the
e) Receive the report of the Secretary-General of
the Confederation;
f) Adopt the budget of the Confederation and fix
the membership subscription;
g) Amend the Constitution;
h) Terminate a member's affiliation;
i) Dissolve the Confederation.
2. Decisions of the General Council shall
require a simple majority of its members, provided that decisions to
amend the Constitution, terminate a member's affiliation or dissolve the
Confederation shall require a two-thirds majority of the members.
3. The General Council shall from among its members elect a
Chairperson, a Treasurer and four Vice-Chairpersons representing
different sub-regions, who along with the Secretary General will
constitute the Executive Board. The General Council can also elect, in
case of necessity, a Deputy-Treasurer, who will also become a member of
the Executive Board.
4. The Chairperson and the four Vice-Chairpersons shall serve for
three years, as long as they remain the designated representatives of
regular members of the Confederation. They will be eligible for
re-election for one additional term.
5. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chairperson or any
Vice-Chairperson, such vacancy shall be filled by a decision of the
General Council for the remaining period pertaining to that office.
6. The Chairperson shall have the right to vote, and shall have an
additional casting vote to break a tie.
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1. The Executive Board shall approve the budget and accounts of
the Confederation for submission to the General Council and do all such
other things that may be assigned to it by the General Council.
2. A simple majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a
quorum to do its business.
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1. The national organization to which the Chairperson belongs
shall provide the secretariat for the Confederation. It will be headed
by a Secretary- General to be recommended by the Chairperson and
appointed by the General Council for the same period as the Chairperson
of the Confederation.
2. The Secretary-General of the Confederation shall direct and
supervise the work of the secretariat. The Secretary-General's office
shall be responsible for administering and coordinating the work of the
3. The General Council shall receive the Secretary-General's Report on
the Confederation's activities.
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1. The Chairperson shall convene the General Council at least once
every three years as recommended by the Executive Board.
2. The Chairperson shall convene the Executive Board once every
year on the occasion of the International Labour Conference, and on such
other occasions as it may deem necessary, or when requested to do so by
a substantial number of General Council members. The Chairperson shall
preside over the meetings of the Executive Board and shall have a
casting vote.
3. The Confederation shall hold an Asia-Pacific High Level
Employers' Conference once every three years in cooperation with member
employers' organisations and such other international organizations as
may be appropriate.
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1. The sources of finance of the Confederation shall consist of
the annual subscriptions paid by members and such other assets in cash
or in kind as may be donated to, or solicited by, the Confederation.
2. The cost of attending meetings of the Confederation shall be
borne by the participating members. The administrative expenses of the
meetings shall be borne by the Confederation and the member hosting the
3. The financial year of the Confederation shall be from 1 January
to 31 December of each calendar year.
4. At the request of a member, accompanied by a statement of the
reasons for the request, the General Council may, in the light of
special mitigating circumstances, accept a reduced subscription. Each
such decision shall apply for one financial period only.
5. The budget of the Confederation shall be drawn up for a period
of three years, beginning at the start of the calendar year immediately
following the regular meeting of the General Council.
6. The accounts of the Confederation shall be prepared annually by
the Secretary-General and, after examination by a qualified auditor of
the country in which the secretariat is located, shall be submitted for
approval at the next meeting of the Executive Board.
7. The Treasurer shall study the accounts prepared by the
Secretary-General, and submit them to the Executive Board for its
8. The budget proposal shall be prepared by the Secretary-General,
referred to the Treasurer for comment, and approved by the Executive
Board for submission to the General Council for adoption.
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1. An amendment to the Constitution may be recommended by any
regular member or by the Executive Board. Such amendment shall be
effective upon approval by two-thirds of the Council members.
2. The dissolution of the confederation may be recommended by any
regular member or by the Executive Board and shall be effective upon
approval by two-thirds of the members of the General Council.
Signed this the 27th
day of August, 2001 in the City of Bangkok
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Bangladesh Employers' Federation
China Enterprise Confederation
Fiji Employers' Federation
Council of Indian Employers
The Employers' Association of Indonesia
Japan Federation of Employers' Associations
Korea Employers Federation
Malaysian Employers Federation
Mongolian Employers' Federation
Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce & Industry
Business New Zealand
Employers' Federation of Pakistan
The Employers' Federation of Papua New Guinea
Employers' Confederation of the Philippines
Singapore National Employers' Federation
The Employers' Federation of Ceylon
Employers' Confederation of Thailand
Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry